Insurance Litigation
Construction Insurance Claims
Losses arising from the construction of new commercial buildings and homes can raise complex issues of liability. Claims typically arise from defective components or structural issues, as well as on-site accidents. Public liability claims can also arise from works carried out by construction professionals where damage is caused to a customer’s property.
We have experience in advising clients in respect of their new build home policies of insurance and in commercial insurance contracts for wider developments. Home policies typically raise coverage issues where claims might fall within the scope of both the defects and the structural insurance, but where the period of insurance has expired for one and the requirements for a claim under the other might be more onerous.
We have significant experience advising in respect of construction disputes, ranging from private individuals and SMEs, to a national roofing contractor, including claims arising from:
- General building defects;
- Defective cladding;
- Defective roofing;
- Defective components;
- Structural issues;
- Damage caused to third-party property; and
- Work-place injuries.
We are also able to consider the appropriateness and scope of policy wording obtained by/on behalf of developers.
- Insurance Litigation – Overview
- Business Interruption
- Covid-19 Business Interruption
- Cyber Losses and Insurance
- Directors’ and Officers’ Liability
- High Net Worth Insurance Issues
- Product Liability
- Property Damage
- Storm, Flood and Escape of Water Damage
- Trade and Credit Insurance
- Warranty Indemnity Insurance
Contact our Insurance Litigation Team
telephone: 020 7691 4000
or email: enquiries@edwincoe.com