Temporary Worker Visa (Creative) applications
The Temporary Worker (Creative) visa is for individuals that have been offered shorted-term work in the UK (no more than 12 months) within the creative sector.
A temporary creative worker is an individual who is considered someone who is able to make a significant contribution to the creative sector – such people being actors, dancers, entertainers, fashion models or film crew.
In order to become eligible, the individual must have been offered work or a specific job in the UK from a Sponsor that holds a Temporary Worker – Creative Worker Sponsor Licence. The individual must also be paid the minimum salary as set by either Equity, PACT or BECTU – depends on what role the individual is coming to perform.
Our Immigration team represents production companies that hold a valid licence in assigning Certificate of Sponsorships to those wishing to take up a short-term role in the creative sector.
If you would like further information on this visa category, please do not hesitate to contact our Immigration team.
We provide services for businesses:
- Immigration – Overview
- Bespoke audit services in preparation for UKVI Compliance visit
- Business Visit Visas
- Global Business Mobility visa
- Innovator Founder Visas
- Investor Visas
- Representation at UKVI Compliance visits
- Skilled Worker Visas
- Sole Representative of an Overseas Business Visa
- Sponsor Licensing for Employers
- Sponsor Licence downgrading, suspension and revocation
We provide services for individuals:
Contact our Immigration Team
telephone: 020 7691 4000
or email: enquiries@edwincoe.com