Officia sint duis deserunt enim officia Lorem. Veniam ad labore ipsum ut occaecat elit laboris esse et adipisicing eiusmod. Sunt occaecat et irure incididunt sunt ex deserunt sit enim veniam.
Cillum quis dolore in cupidatat do sunt quis. Consectetur minim dolore laboris officia culpa irure dolor aliquip dolore et officia laborum voluptate eiusmod. Laborum elit ipsum irure do anim ex elit mollit ipsum esse do. Duis ipsum veniam duis exercitation. Mollit qui non ea ex cillum pariatur magna non enim ex labore anim nisi pariatur.
Edmonton + Alberta
Bryan & Company
Bryan & Company traces its roots in Alberta to 1928, and we have grown to be a full-service firm with more than 40 plus lawyers in the Province’s capital city, Edmonton. We offer the full breadth of services to our clients, no matter what their legal needs might require.
Montreal + Quebec
Spiegel Sohmer
A medium-sized firm anchored in the heart of Montreal, we have earned a reputation for rapidly identifying the business issues at stake and formulating solutions that are targeted, innovative, and immediately actionable.
Vancouver + British Columbia
Kornfeld LLP
Kornfeld LLP is a focused boutique firm serving real estate developers, entrepreneurs, and commercial lenders and borrowers.
Toronto + Ontario
Torkin Manes
Torkin Manes LLP is a full-service, mid-sized law firm in downtown Toronto, Ontario. We serve a diverse clientele ranging from public and private corporations to financial institutions, professional practices and individuals. With Ally Law, we also advise national and international clients whose business interests and investments bring them to Canada.