
Edwin Coe is delighted to announce that Construction and Engineering Partner, Brenna Baye is presenting a Learn Live for MBL Seminars entitled “An Introduction to Common Parts in JCT Contracts – Not Just Form Filling”


As a standard form contract, it is often presumed that ‘drafting’ a JCT contract is simply a case of filling in the fields and making the selections within the contract.

However, an uncompleted field, an incorrect ‘does not apply’ or a mistaken ‘not applicable’ might result in some unintended and unpleasant consequences.

This virtual classroom seminar will discuss the meaning and impact of various Recitals, Articles and Contract Particulars in the more commonly used forms of JCT contacts.

What You Will Learn

This live broadcast will cover the following:

Review of which JCT contract should be used when
What to remember when completing the Recitals, Articles and Contract Particulars – a discussion of some of the more troublesome areas
The importance of proper execution of a Contract
Why amendments to the standard forms are sometimes necessary
What amendments to the standard forms should be considered

To find out more and to book your place, click here.

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