
Right now, 1 in 6 workers are dealing with a mental health problem such as anxiety, depression or stress. There is greater awareness about the importance of employers taking steps to promote positive mental health and help managers recognise warning signs to support employees who are experiencing mental ill health. The support people receive from employers is key in determining how well and how quickly they are able to get back to peak performance.

However, as an employer, it can be difficult to know when it is appropriate to involve occupational health experts, when to make what adjustments and when someone is just too ill to work.

Leading employment lawyer, Linky Trott will be joined by Katie Eastwell from Lincoln Occupational Health to discuss very real issues facing employers today. We will discuss real examples and identify where employers need support in managing this type of ill health.

This seminar will cover:

  • What are the current legal challenges and approach of the Employment Tribunals
  • How to identify if someone’s experiencing a mental health problem and how to support them
  • When to refer a person to Occupational Health and what advice the employer can expect from OH
  • What kind of workplace adjustments could be considered to assist someone with mental ill health
  • Steps companies can take to create a culture that supports staff to be open about their mental health


Stephanie Lunn – Chair of the UK SHRM Board

Katie Eastwell – Managing Partner at Lincoln Occupational Health

Linky Trott – Head of Employment at Edwin Coe LLP

The seminar will be of particular interest to HR professionals and Team Leaders. This seminar is complimentary and qualifies for one hour of CPD.

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