Events - 24/03/2023
Edwin Coe to attend PCD Club NextGen lunch
Assistant Tax Manager, Bradley Gabriel, will be attending the PCD Club NextGen lunch at Vinoteca in the City on Friday 24 March 2023.
The lunch will bring together NextGen members from a variety of specialisms and locations, such as private client lawyers, accountants, wealth managers, bankers and trust companies, all of whom advise wealthy international families.
For more information, please click here.
About PCD Club
PCD Club is the premier business networking club for international private client professionals.
We are an organisation dedicated to giving private client professionals new networks, new ways of thinking, and new commercial opportunities.
Our events introduce you to new faces – the new contacts you need to uncover new clients and grow your business. We founded our business to offer something new in a market dominated by the same old names and stale ways or working. We’re constantly innovating – thinking of new ways to offer new skills, new intelligence and new experiences. And we’re always open to new ways of looking at the world.”